LATEST SERMON RECENT SERMONS Featured Feb 23, 2025 Romans 13:1-7 Pt2 Feb 23, 2025 Feb 23, 2025 Feb 16, 2025 Romans 13:1-7 Pt1 Feb 16, 2025 Feb 16, 2025 Skip to Videos All | Romans | Advent 2024 | Single Sermons | Advent 2023 | Easter Services | Special Sermon: Jonathan Edwards | Advent 2022 | 2 Samuel | Ephesians | 3/2/25 Romans 13:3-7 The Righteous Sword 2/23/25 Romans 13:1-7 Pt2 The Realities of the State 2/16/25 Romans 13:1-7 Pt1 The Necessity of The State 2/9/25 Romans 12:14-21 Pt2 Exchanging Helps for Hurts 2/2/25 Romans 12:14-21 Pt1 Day to Day Christianity 1/26/25 Romans 12:9-13 Evidence of Faith 1/19/25 Romans 12:3-8 Using Spiritual Gifts 1/12/25 Romans 12:1-2 Pt2 A Christian Requirement 1/5/25 Romans 12:1-2 Pt1 A Christian Response 11/24/24 Romans 1-11 Recap One Salvation, Won and Secure 11/17/24 Romans 11:30-36 Mercy That Compels Us 11/10/24 Romans 11:25-29 Pt2 Promises That Stand 11/3/24 Romans 11:25-29 Israel's Future 10/27/24 Romans 11:16-24 A Glorious Tree 10/6/24 Romans 11:1-15 God Still Saves 9/29/24 Romans 11:7-10 God: Always Good 9/22/24 Romans 11:4-6 Grace, Always Grace 9/15/24 Romans 11:1-3 God's Steadfast Remnant 9/8/24 Romans 10:16-21 A Continued Rejection 9/1/24 Romans 10:11-15 A Universal Gospel 8/25/24 Romans 10:5-10 How Am I Saved by Righteousness? 8/18/24 Romans 10:1-4 Zealous But Wrong 8/11/24 Romans 9:30-33 Faith and Works 8/4/24 Romans 9:22-29 Patient by Design 7/28/24 Romans 9:17-21 Hard Hearts 7/21/24 Romans 9:13-16 Our Sin/His Grace 7/14/24 Romans 9:9-13 Pt 2 God's Independent Choice 7/7/24 Romans 9:9-13 Him Who Calls 6/23/24 Romans 9:1-5 Salvation for Israel 6/30/24 Romans 9:6-8 Not by Blood, but by Spirit 6/16/24 Romans 8:37-39 The Indomitable Love of God 6/9/24 Romans 8:31-36 The Untouchable 6/2/24 Romans 8:28-30 Pt3 A Secure Arrival 5/26/24 Romans 8:28-30 Pt2 A Chain of Freedom 5/19/24 Romans 8:28-30 Pt1 Does God Hate Me? 5/12/24 Romans 8:26-27 Prayer Matters Supremely 5/5/24 Romans 8:22-25 Groaning to Glory 4/28/24 Romans 8:18-21 Suffering to Glory 4/21/24 Romans 8:12-17 Pt2 Obliged to Do Godly 4/14/24 Romans 8:12-17 Pt1 Welcome to the Family 4/7/24 Romans 8:9-11 Positional Righteousness 3/24/24 Romans 8:5-8 The War for the Mind 3/17/24 Romans 8:1-4 Pt2 The Presence of The Spirit 3/10/24 Romans 8:1-4 Pt1 The Presence of Christ 3/3/24 Romans 7:21-25 The Maturing of a Believer 2/25/24 Romans 7:13-20 Pt2 A Passive, Yet Active Sinner - Part 2 2/18/24 Romans 7:13-20 Pt1 A Passive, Yet Active Sinner 2/11/24 Romans 7:10-12 When Sin is Understood 2/4/24 Romans 7:7-9 The Law: Good or Bad? 1/28/24 Romans 7:4-6 The Superlative Spouse 1/21/24 Romans 7:1-3 Pt 2 Marriage and Divorce, Pt.2 1/14/24 Romans 7:1-3 Pt 1 Marriage and Divorce, Pt.1 1/7/24 Romans 6:15-23 You're Not Autonomous 11/26/23 Romans 6:9-14 Under Grace 11/19/23 Romans 6:5-8 No Longer Guilty 11/12/23 Romans 6:1-4 Choosing Death: A MUST 11/5/23 Romans 5:18-21 Promiscuous Grace 10/29/23 Romans 5:15-17 The U-Turn of Grace 10/22/23 Romans 5:12-14 Why do we sin? 10/15/23 Romans 5:9-11 Saved Without a Doubt 10/8/23 Romans 5:6-8 The Value of the Ungodly 10/1/23 Romans 5:3-5 pt2 The Other Jesus 9/24/23 Romans 5:3-5 pt1 Stronger by Suffering 9/17/23 Romans 5:1-2 The War Has Ended 9/10/23 Romans 4:23-25 The Shortest Gospel 8/27/23 Romans 4:18-22 When It Seems Impossible 8/20/23 Romans 4:13-17 The Receiving of God's Promise 8/13/23 Romans 4:9-12 pt2 The Hard Truth of Faith 8/6/23 Romans 4:9-12 pt1 The MUST of Faith 7/31/23 Romans 4:1-8 The Reckoning of Righteousness 7/23/23 Romans 3:27-31 Grace, Yes. But What About the Law? 7/16/23 Romans 3:21-26, Pt. 4 Justification: God, Sinners, and Anger 7/9/23 Romans 3:21-26 part 3 Justification: at the highest cost! 7/2/23 Romans 3:21-26 part 2 Justification: by faith alone. 6/25/23 Romans 3:21-26 part 1 Justification: from the start. 6/18/23 Romans 3:19-20 Guilty. Period. Unless… 6/11/23 Romans 3:13-18 Why God MUST Effectually Call! pt2 6/4/23 Romans 3:9-12 Why God MUST Effectually Call! 5/28/23 Romans 3:1-8 Understanding God Via Our Bias 5/21/23 Romans 3:1-2 God Speaks 5/14/23 Romans 2:25-29 A Counterfeit Circumcision 5/7/23 Romans 2:17-24 When Privilege Isn't 4/30/23 Romans 2:12-16 Objections Abound 4/23/23 Romans: 2:6-11 (Part 2) 4/16/23 Romans 2:6-11 The Destination Chosen 4/2/23 Romans 2: 4-5 More than “Busted” 3/26/23 Romans 2:1-3 The Kindness of God 3/19/23 Romans 1:28-32 The Downward Spiral 3/12/23 Romans 1:26-27 Favorite Sins 3/5/23 Romans 1:24-27 From Treasures to Trash 2/26/23 Romans 1:18-23 pt2 Ignoring the Obvious 2/19/23 Romans 1:18-23 pt1 God and Anger 2/12/23 Romans 1:16-17 Perfectly. Just. 2/5/23 Romans 1:14-17 Ashamed or In Awe? 1/29/23 Romans 1:10-13 My Submitted Plans 1/22/23 Romans 1:8-12 For Our Mutual Benefit 1/15/23 Romans 1:1-7 part 3 Who Is The Called? 1/8/23 Romans 1:1-7 part 2 God’s Unchanging Promise 1/1/23 Romans 1:1-7 A Not-Optional Call